Fairytale canyon "Skazka", Kirghizistan
1 day - September 2019
After a colorful and challenging trek, we leave Karakol and the mountains, still with our team of 5, for the Skazka Canyon.
The adventure begins this time with our driver, an extravagant character whose mimes are very equivocal! We laugh a lot with this extravagant and endearing character.
The problem: he believes is in Fast and Furious and between holes on the road, donkeys and trucks, we don’t really feel confortable !
Landscapes make us forget everything, high mountains, snow, shades of colors and the bright blue of the Issyk Kul lake that we ride along. Unbelievable. And also many mosques and mausoleums that are built facing the lake. Nice as a final place to rest!
Between Karakol and Kochkor is the Skazka Canyon or Fairytale Canyon. Daedalus of colorful hills overlooking the lake and the high white mountains, filled with so many colors!
The rocks have various shapes and some make us think of a wall - the Great Wall of China? - but all in a Wild West setting and landscapes. Kyrgyzstan is striking for its diversity!
We spend two hours climbing and contemplating this impressive canyon before continuing on to Kochkor and two new treks waiting for us, we never stop!
Some recommendations:
# we took a private driver to join in a day Karakol-Canyon from Skazka-Kochkor. 6000 soms for 5. There are also Marushka.
# Canyon entrance Fee: 50 soms.
Oct 11, 2019 - 08:37 AM
trop beau
Jul 30, 2024 - 09:19 PM
Hi, thank you for your nice blog article. How did. you find your driver for 6000 som? Thank you for your help! Luisa