Travel article: Jericoacoara

Travel blogger: Christelle & Cedric

Trip story: 3 months in South America!

Image for blog article: Jericoacoara

Jericoacoara - State of Ceará, Brazil

Brazil 6 days - January 2019






Bem venido a Brasil! It is with these sunny words that we are welcomed in Brazil.

The clichés begin: in the plane a lady (who turned out to be a guy) spent 8 hours putting on make-up and went through the doors in a mini (impossible to be more mini) short!

The immigration officer does not speak a word of English, we speak 0 words of Portuguese. Well this is promising! The language barrier combined with Cédric - and his memory issue - who asked the question "Is this the first time you come to Brazil? »answers “yes”  we are not any close to pass immigration ...!


We arrive in Fortaleza, a city in the northeastern Brazil. This city did not already have good reputation in terms of security but a revolution and consequently a police repression / military take place at this moment. We have not seen anything and we are happy not to linger.


Our first destination: Jericoacoara. This small fishing village in the middle of nowhere (no paved road leads there, only trails) was a hippie paradise in the 70s and today it is a popular family seaside resort.

First observation in the bus: it seems slow! And yes in Brazil there are rules on the road AND brazilians follow it! Incredible after all these months spent in Central America, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka with drivers who prefer to cross-sign and pray as soon as they pass in front of a religious place to protect them rather than slowing down.

6 hours later, we change vehicle to ride in a 4x4 driving into the dunes at dusk night. It shakes but what we feel good!


In this small village, there is only sand, no roads. Moreover most of the streets are called "dunes street"! We live barefoot for 4 days in this little paradise, isolated from everything, that we share with donkeys, cows and some buggies that take tourists to the dunes around. On our side we decide to walk and every day we do fifteen kilometers in the middle of cactus and red land or in the middle of the dunes of white sand. The sky is blue, the sun is hot, it's hot! It's going to cost me a pretty red mustache;)


We do not derogate from the tradition of the village and every evening we watch the sunset on the sun dune in the company of Brazilians. Returning to the village, capoeira show- this dance / martial art developed by slaves in the 16th century.


The clichés are once again confirmed: swimsuits are short - very short - whatever the age and sex of the person; the caipirinha flows (strong capinrinha), the joy of living of the brazilians is communicative, there is football on all all TVs and we have acai, this little violet bay. We love it !


This first step also marks the great return of black and red beans so typical of Latin America. One thing is sure: we didn’t miss them at all!

Some recommendations:

# ransom of glory: hostels are expensive in Jericoacoara. We stayed in a room with bathroom for 130 real at night (we will realize later that Brazil is expensive and 130 was a good price!)

# transfer by bus and 4x4: Fortaleza -Jericoacoara. : 88 real per person. 7 hours journey. Agencies do it faster and door to door for a little more expensive.

# we ate local: fish and beans / rice. Best value for money: Marisol for 18 real plate.

# we also tested the burger at Eat in the streets. Delicious but too big and sickening! 40 real per person.


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Feb 7, 2019 - 02:57 PM

whaouuu!!! què calor !!! lol bises


Christelle & Cedric
Feb 12, 2019 - 02:10 PM

oh oui il fait chaud... On souffre!


Laurène Frasca
Feb 8, 2019 - 04:15 PM

Superbe !


Christelle & Cedric
Feb 12, 2019 - 02:10 PM

A considerer pour un prochain voyage ? ;)


Mar 1, 2019 - 06:35 AM

je revois avec plaisir bise


Jul 27, 2019 - 09:49 PM

Un vrai régal de lire ces lignes ! Je suis en quête de bons conseils pour mon voyage à Jericoacoara & Lençois en Septembre ! Me voilà donc rassurée au niveau du prix des restaurants car je n'arrête pas de lire que le moindre plat coute 100 réais ! Merci pour ces bonnes adresses et si vous en avez d'autres pour Jeri, je suis preneuse ! Clara


Christelle & Cedric
Jul 28, 2019 - 01:16 PM

Jeri est plus chere que le reste du Bresil mais en fouillant il y a toujours de bonnes affaires. Nous n'avons fait aucun tour mais m'hesite pas a marcher et t'eloigner du village, tu seras vite seule au monde sur les dunes ! Et surtout ensuite fonce a Atins, Lencois et Sao Luis!
